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These are a few of my solo and collaborative projects. They have shaped me into a better developer, a better designer, and a better coder. I hope to continue improving and learning new technologies!



Decodeshala is an online game designed for the management students of NU. It was a research and development project.  A game-based web app with a timer, a buzzer system, and a scoring system with admin side and students side features, to increase student-teacher engagement in both online and offline classes. It's made with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS and MongoDB.



It is an Alcohol and drowsy driver detection system. An app along with a hardware component that creates an alert sends the driver’s location to his emergency contacts and stops the car if his blood alcohol level is more than a threshold value and his hand is not sensed in the steering. Contains functionalities like Bluetooth, live location tracking, SMS module, etc.

The app is built with flutter and firebase.


Trade Portal

A trade portal where both buyers and sellers can sign in. Sellers can host their products, while buyers can buy items. Wholesale products are also available here

It was built using the Django web framework and Postgres database.

Golden Ratio

Designed a web app implementing the concepts of the golden ratio. It can also identify the golden ratio in everyday real-life objects.


Built using HTML,CSS, Bootstrap, Js, and Flask.

Golden Ratio.png

Shoot The Board

It is a basic game, where the player can move along the vertical y-axis and shoot the arrow boards spawning on the opposite side at multiple places. An arrow board respawns whenever the player shoots another one.

It is built using python and pygame.


Pet Log

A simple app that stores all the pet and owner details. It was built to describe CRUD operations perfectly.


Built using flutter and firebase.

For more such projects, contact me at

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